Governing Board Policy
Effective, March 1, 2024, Bret Harte Union High School District Governing Board meeting agendas and minutes are now available ONLINE on GAMUT.
The Bret Harte Union High School District Governing Board policies are accessible online for public viewing. To view Board Policy, use the button above or the FOLLOWING LINK.
Select “Policies” located in the upper right-hand corner of the webpage. You will be redirected to the "Board Policy Manual."
There are nine policy categories listed on the left under “All”. The policy numbers are listed under the “Code” heading to the right of the categories.. The title of each policy is listed under “Title” with the magnifying glass. The type of policy (Board Policy, Administrative Regulation or Exhibit) is listed under the “Type” heading. On the right-hand side, you can see the date the policy was last revised under “Last Revised Date."
Search for a policy using the “Search” button located in the top navigation bar.
Select a category of policies and then select a specific policy once you get to that page, OR go directly to the policy by selecting the title of the policy under the heading “Title” using the magnifying glass.
To scroll through the listed policies, click on a blank area next to one of the titles or policy type and click your “PgDn” (Page Down) button; then click on the policy you would like to view. To move back up the list, click your “PgUp” (Page Up) button. To get back to the top of the list of policies, you can click the “Control (Ctrl)” button and then the “Home” button.
Once you are viewing a policy, you can use the back arrow on the gray, horizontal navigation bar to move back to the previous policy or click the forward arrow to move to the next policy and scroll through the policies.
You can print a policy by clicking on the printer icon button located on the same grey navigation bar.
If you are viewing a policy and want to go back to the main list of policies, click on “Policies Listing” on the top left-hand corner next to “Home."
If you need assistance, please contact the District Office at 209 736-8340 or