REMINDER: In observance of Presidents' Day Holiday, there is no school on Monday, February 17th. Classes will resume as normally scheduled on Tuesday, February 18th. - Bret Harte School Office
24 days ago, School Office
Presidents' Day Holiday promo image
REMINDER: In observance of Lincoln's Holiday, there is no school on Monday, February 10th. Classes will resume as normally scheduled on Tuesday, February 11th. - Bret Harte School Office
about 1 month ago, School Office
Lincoln Holiday promo image
ASVAB: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test will be administered on the Bret Harte campus on Friday, February 21 at 8:00 AM in RM 27. Sign up using the Google Form in your class-specific "Ms Godfrey" Google Classroom. >>> "What is the ASVAB? It's a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students.” -
about 1 month ago, Counseling
ASVAB logo
REMINDER: Due to staff collaborative planning, Wednesday February 5th is a Minimum Day. Release time is 1:10PM. \\ Debido a nuestra junta colaborativa, el Miercoles 5 de Febrero es dia minimo. La hora de salida es a la 1:10PM. - Bret Harte Union High School
about 1 month ago, School Office
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COUNSELING + WELLNESS: Check out the BH Buzz: Family & School Connections newsletter for January 2025 at
about 1 month ago, Webmaster
Bret Harte Buzz January 2025 newsletter
TRANSPORTATION UPDATE: "Bus routes 4 and 6 in the Copperopolis area will be delayed by 15 minutes tomorrow morning due to bus driver shortage and illness. Please plan accordingly. If you have any questions, please call the school office tomorrow morning at 209-736-2507. Thank you for your understanding." - Bret Harte Transportation
about 2 months ago, Webmaster
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REMINDER: In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there will be no school on Monday, January 20th. Classes will resume as regularly scheduled on Tuesday, January 21st. Please direct any questions regarding this toward Mrs. McCamey at (209) 736-8339.
about 2 months ago, Webmaster
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SURVEY: "As the BHUHSD starts to plan for the new Cell Phone policies required by AB-3216 Pupils: use of smartphones we would like your input. The bill states: This bill would instead require the governing body of a school district, a county office of education, or a charter school to, by July 1, 2026, develop and adopt, and to update every 5 years, a policy to limit or prohibit the use by its pupils of smartphones while the pupils are at a schoolsite or while the pupils are under the supervision and control of an employee or employees of that school district, county office of education, or charter school, as provided. By imposing additional duties on local educational agencies, the bill would constitute a state-mandated local program. Your input on this survey is appreciated:" - Bret Harte Union High School District
about 2 months ago, Webmaster
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REMINDER: Due to staff collaborative planning, Wednesday January 15th is a Minimum Day. Release time is 1:10PM. // Debido a nuestra junta colaborativa, el Miercoles 15 de Enero es dia minimo. La hora de salida es a la 1:10PM. -Bret Harte Union High School
about 2 months ago, School Office
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BOARD MEETING NOTICE: Public Comments Welcome! Bret Harte Union High School District invites comments from the public regarding the Local Control Accountability Plan. This plan will be discussed on January 13, 2025, at the Bret Harte Union High School District Governing Board meeting. It will also be discussed at the February, March, April, May, and June Board meetings. This plan was developed to define actions, expenditures, and educational priorities. A copy of the draft plan is available at the District Office located at 323 S. Main Street, Altaville, CA 95221. It will also be available at the February, March, April, May, and June meetings at 5:30 pm in the District Office Board Room/Room 53. If you have any questions, please contact the District Office at (209) 736-8340.
2 months ago, District Office
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Principal's Message - January 2025 can be viewed at
2 months ago, School Office
NOTICE: Dorroh Field will be closed beginning Tuesday, December 31, 2024 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025 for all uses. It will reopen on Thursday, January 2. Questions, please contact the District Office at
3 months ago, District Office
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REMINDER: "This is just a reminder that this week is Finals Week, with a different bell schedule than normal. Our schedule for this week is as follows: Monday, December 16th: Odd Periods 1, 3, 5 & 7; Tuesday, December 17th: Even Periods 2, 4, 6 & Pond; Wednesday, December 18th: 1, Pond, 3 & 7 w/ Early Release @ 2:15 PM; Thursday, December 19th: Pond, 2, Pond, 4 w/ Early Release @ 12:45 PM; and Friday, December 20th: Pond, 5, Pond, 6 w/ Early Release @ 12:45 PM. Our Winter Break will run from December 23rd, 2024 - January 3rd, 2025. Classes will resume as normally scheduled on Monday, January 6th. Any questions regarding the changes in the schedule for this week can be directed toward Mrs. McCamey at (209) 736-8339." -School Office
3 months ago, School Office
CLASS OF 2025: Refer to the included Jostens flyer or visit for quick links related to graduation cap and gown ordering. The order deadline is January 31, 2025. Questions can be directed toward Tony Trovato with Jostens at 559 275-2800.
3 months ago, School Office
SPIRIT DAYS: This year's winter finals week is quickly approaching! Next week's dress up days are as follows: Monday - Upperclassmen GREEN and Underclassmen RED; Tuesday - Ugly Sweater; Wednesday - White Out; Thursday - Holiday Socks; and Friday - Pajamas. Questions, stop by RM 37 or email
3 months ago, Webmaster
Finals week dress up days courtesy of Leadership
California School Parent Survey: "Dear Parent/Guardian, This week your 9th or 11th grade student(s) will be taking the California Healthy Kids Survey that is developed and sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE). This very important anonymous survey will help our district promote better health and well-being and improve your child's school learning environment. In conjunction with your student's participation, we implore you to complete the California School Parent Survey. Information collected will be used to foster positive learning and teaching environments, parent involvement, and student achievement, health, and well-being. The core purpose of this survey is to obtain parent perceptions about Vallecito Continuation High School and our district. Survey Link >>> Refer to your Campus Parent Portal Inbox or email for more information. If you have any questions about this survey or require assistance, call the Calaveras County Office of Education at 209 736-6094 or contact Sara Labuga at" - Bret Harte Counseling + Wellness
3 months ago, Webmaster
California Department of Education logo
Important Update Regarding Today’s Incident on Campus: "Dear Parents and Students, I want to address an incident that occurred on campus today and ensure you have accurate information. Earlier today, there was a fight involving two students. Understandably, this has generated concern and led to rumors circulating within our community. I want to clarify that: * Neither individual involved in the fight was an adult. * No weapons, including firearms, were involved in the incident. As soon as the situation unfolded, Angels Police Department was contacted, and their team worked swiftly alongside our staff to secure the campus. We were able to continue the school day safely. Please know that the safety and well-being of our students remain our top priority. We are conducting a thorough investigation and will take appropriate disciplinary actions to ensure a safe learning environment for all. If you or your student have any concerns or need support, our administrative team and counselors are available to assist. Thank you for your trust and partnership as we work to maintain a safe and supportive school community." - Principal Holt
3 months ago, School Office
PUBLIC NOTICE of Availability for Public Review of Accounting of Developer Fees for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year in the Following Fund or Account: Fund 25 As required by Government Code section 66006(b)(2) the Bret Harte Union High School District is required to have an Accounting for Developer Fees Report available for public review no less than 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled public meeting to review the information and adoption of a Resolution regarding the accounting. Resolution No. 2025-3: Annual and Five-Year Accounting of Developer Fees for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year in the Following Fund or Account Fund 25, will be presented to the Bret Harte Union High School District Board of Trustees for approval during the December 16, 2024 Board Meeting. A public review and hearing will be held prior to taking action. The 2023/2024 fiscal year report as it pertains to the Developer Fees Fund 25 is available for review starting December 2, 2024, until December 31, 2024. This document can be reviewed at the Bret Harte Union High School District Office located at 323 S. Main Street, Angels Camp, CA, or on the District’s website at Under Documents > Annual Disclosure of Developer Fees & Report. Questions? Contact us 209-736-8340.
3 months ago, District Office
SAFETY ALERT: "Good afternoon, This is Superintendent Nanik from Bret Harte with an important message. Today, there have been multiple altercations on campus. One of these incidents sparked rumors of a gun being present, prompting several concerned individuals to contact the school office. A thorough search of the area and students was conducted, but no firearm was found, and no eyewitnesses reported seeing one. In accordance with school protocols and law enforcement guidelines, all parties involved in both incidents have been addressed. Due to the minors' status, no additional information can be disclosed. We are deeply grateful to the community for reaching out to us with their concerns. The students' safety has been ensured, and they have returned to their regular schedule. Thank you for your trust and partnership as we work to maintain a safe and supportive school community." - Scott Nanik, superintendent
3 months ago, District Office
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LATE BUS: There will be no late bus this Wednesday, November 27 due to the minimum day and Thanksgiving Holiday.
4 months ago, District Office
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