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Calaveras County Juvenile Justice Commission appointed” May 17, 2023 Press Release

‘After a 15-year hiatus, the Calaveras Superior Court reestablished a Juvenile Justice Commission on Wednesday, May 10, by swearing in 10 commissioners. The commission is authorized under the Welfare and Institutions Code as a public conscience for those in the county providing services to youth and families in the juvenile justice and dependency (CWS) systems. The commission is generally tasked with inquiring into the administration of juvenile court law, providing leadership for citizen action, and to promote an effective juvenile justice system operated in an environment of credibility, dignity, and fairness, and respect for the youth of Calaveras County. The commissioners were appointed jointly by Presiding Judge Timothy S. Healy and Presiding Juvenile Judge David M. Sanders. Commissioners serve a four year term.

After being sworn in, the Commissioners fulfilled their first specific statutory duty by selecting a chair (Sherrie Sperry) and vicechair (Zachary Glanville). The other commissioners are: Christy Miro, Eugene DeHerrera, Sophie Bouma, Teagan Serpa, Aurora Lewis, Matthew Brock, Matteo Brock, and Rochelle Sweet.

The Commission then fulfilled their other specific duty by recommending to the judges that Kim Craddock be appointed as chief probation officer. Judges Healy and Sanders later met and adopted the recommendation, and have appointed Ms. Craddock as Calaveras County chief probation officer under authority of Government Code Section 27770. Ms. Craddock will be sworn in as chief probation officer on Thursday, May 18, at noon, at the Calaveras County Superior Court.

The Juvenile Justice Commission will meet next on June 28 to discuss future efforts, including investigations and evaluations of facilities and services for youth in the dependency or juvenile justice systems and complaints regarding treatment of children in the systems. Anyone wanting to submit complaints, suggestions, or matters for consideration by the commission should email them to: juvenilejc@ , and in the subject line put Attention JCC Chair Sperry.’”