Bret Harte Athletics
MISSION Bret Harte Athletics strives to provide each student-athlete an experience that fosters successes through strong work ethic, enthusiasm, fun, integrity, preparation, communication, teamwork, and discipline on and off the playing field. VISION Each student-athlete will use the characteristics developed throughout their athletic experience and apply them to every aspect of their life.
GAME SCHEDULES are subject to change. Refer to the ONLINE ATHLETICS CALENDAR for up-to-date information! YOUTH SUMMER CLINIC information can be found utilizing Documents > Athletics > Teams.

Cheer |
Football |
YEAR-ROUND eSports |
Girls Basketball |
Dance Team |
Boys Soccer |
Girls Soccer |
Wrestling |
Baseball |
Softball |
Tennis |
DISCLAIMER: There is NO outside use allowed by individuals and/or organizations during school hours or during any Bret Harte student activities, events and/or athletic contests or practices.