Associated Student Body | Clubs
California law allows students in California's public schools to raise money and make decisions about how they will spend this money. Student organizations that are established to raise and spend money on behalf of students are called an Associated Student Body or ASB, which must be made up of current students. The funds that are raised and spent by student organizations are called ASB funds. An ASB presents students with opportunities not only to raise and spend money, but also to learn the principles of operating a small business and acquire leadership skills while making a contribution to their school and greater community. CA Ed Code ยง48930
The Bret Harte ASB Student Council generally meets on the second Wednesday of the month with Google Meet. All dates are posted on the Master Calendar for the year. The meeting is livestreamed in each classroom during Pond or students without a Pond can log in independently.
Bret Harte Union High School has a rich tradition of campus organizations and student body clubs that provide quality experiences from a variety of interests. With gratitude to Bret Harte's own historian, Jerry Rucker: Bret Harte Associated Student Body: Presidents
Phillips/Hiner/Sawyer | RM 14/RM 12/RM 15 | |
Phillips | RM 14 | |
Dragomanovich | RM 37 | |
Yearbook | Burita | RM 24 |
Academic Decathlon (ACADEC) | Truman | RM 34 |
Auto Shop Club | Sooter | RM 18 |
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) | Swanson | RM 39 |
Chess Club | Randall | RM 45 |
Schneider | RM 25 | |
Randall | RM 45 | |
Drama Club | G Anderson | RM 33/Theater |
FCCLA | Bret Harte Bakehouse | Folendorf | RM 08 |
McCamey/Porovich/Byrnes | Lower Gym | Meets Mondays @ Lunch | |
Fly Fishing Club | Cragun | RM 23 |
Freshman Class | Ackerman | RM 30 |
Friday Night Live | Samantha Sinclair/Kellie Canepa (CCOE) | RM 28 | Meets Fridays @ Pond |
Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) | Maurer | RM 48 |
Interact Club | Collins | RM 49 |
Dragomanovich | RM 37 | |
Junior Class | Dragomanovich | RM 37 |
Music Club | Allured | Music Room |
Pond Patrol | Dragomanovich | RM 37 |
Prom | Folendorf | RM 08 |
Dragomanovich | RM 37 | |
Science/Forestry Club | Castro | RM 47 |
Senior Class | Folendorf | RM 08 |
Ski/Snowboard Club | Castro | RM 47 |
Sophomore Class | Burita | RM 24 |
Sources of Strength | Labuga | Learning Center |
Spanish Honor Society | Brady | RM 51 |
Table Top Game Masters (TTGM) | Ackerman | RM 30 |