Due to weather, the annual Leadership Senior Fundraiser Dinner, originally scheduled for this Friday, April 13, 2024, has been cancelled and the auction moved ONLINE! Go to https://bhhsl.betterworld.org/auctions/leadership-seniors-2024-onlineauction after 5:00 PM today, to peruse and bid on many fantastic baskets, gift cards, and more that have been graciously donated by our community. All or 100% of the proceeds will be granted as scholarships to our graduating seniors. All auction bids are online. Bidding will end at 8:00 PM on April 26. Supporters that previously purchased dinner tickets will be refunded. Please reach out to the Leadership student you purchased them from for details. Questions, email bhleadership@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us or tdragomanovich@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us.
Leadership's Senior Fundraiser >>> Moved to an online auction
April 11, 2024