Bret Harte Friday Night Live invited students to make "Casey's Pledge" last week, making a pledge to stay sober and refrain from drinking and driving or riding with a drinking driver before or after their prom scheduled for this Saturday, April 27. Signed stars, indicating students that took the pledge, are on display at the entrance of campus on Murphys Grade Road.
Casey’s Pledge is a statewide prevention program that encourages youth to take an active role in reducing the negative effects of underage alcohol use and drinking and driving. Calaveras County Office of Education shared that “Casey's Pledge is named to remember Casey Goodwin, a popular young advocate for healthy lifestyles free of alcohol and other drugs, killed in an automobile collision by an underage drinking driver in March 2003. Goodwin was traveling home from college in San Luis Obispo to celebrate her mother's birthday in Exeter, California. Casey's friends created the Pledge as a way to honor her remarkable commitment to the cause of reducing alcohol related dangers.”
For more information please contact Brandon Dodge, FNL County Coordinator, Calaveras County Office of Education, at (209) 736-6093.