PROGRESS REPORTS: Last Friday, February 7th marked the halfway point of the third quarter of the 2024-25 school year. Therefore, progress grades have been issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their overall performance thus far in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's "3rd Quarter Progress Report." From the Main Menu, select Documents > "3rd Qtr Progress Report" for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence. - Bret Harte School Office
24 days ago, School Office
Quarter three progress reports promo image
COURSE REQUESTS: "This week, your student began requesting courses for next school year. During yesterday's advisory period, the "Campus Requests" feature in the Campus Student Portal opened so your student could complete their course requests for next school year. How to select courses in the Student Portal was reviewed during the presentations and advisory teachers were present to assist. The course request window will remain open until Friday, February 14 at 3:00 PM. Thereafter, each student will meet with Ms. Godfrey, academic counselor, or Mr. Holt, principal, to discuss course requests during the last two weeks of February. Please note that course requests MUST be completed online through your student's Student Portal account. The Course Request timeline, courses offered, applications, forms, and additional information can be found online at Documents | BRET HARTE UNION HIGH SCHOOL. Questions or concerns regarding submitting course requests as well as next year's course options, please contact Ms. Godfrey directly at or 209 736-8333. If your student is having trouble with their Campus Student Portal account, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence." - Bret Harte Union High School
about 1 month ago, School Office
Course Request Window open promo image
PROGRESS REPORTS: "Last Friday, November 15, 2024 marked the halfway point of the second quarter of the 2024-25 school year. Therefore, progress grades are issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their overall performance thus far in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's "2nd Quarter Progress Report." From the Main Menu, select Documents > "2nd Qtr Progress Report" for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence." -Bret Harte School Office
4 months ago, School Office
Quarter two progress reports promo image
QTR ONE GRADES: Last Friday, October 11th marked the end of the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year. Please refer to the Campus Parent Portal to view your student's 1st Quarter Report Card. From the Main Menu, select Documents > 1 st Qtr Report Card for the current school year. If your student is receiving a D or F on this report card, they may be at risk of failing. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. All student progress and report cards can be accessed on the Campus Parent Portal If you need assistance with access, contact Technology at, and include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence. - Bret Harte Union High School
5 months ago, Webmaster
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"Proposed Textbook for Freshman Requirements: We are excited to announce that we are in the process of updating the textbook for our Freshman Requirements course. The proposed textbook is now available for public review and feedback at the District Office until October 18th. We warmly invite and encourage you to take part in this important process by reviewing the textbook and sharing your valuable feedback with our Curriculum Committee. The District Office, located at 323 S. Main Street, is open for your convenience from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and contributions!" - Jacob Holt, principal
6 months ago, School Office
PROGRESS REPORTS: "This week we reached the halfway point of the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's 1st Quarter Progress Report. From the Main Menu, select Documents > 1 st Qtr Progress Report for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS PROGRESS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING THE QUARTER. If you have questions regarding your student's progress grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence." -Bret Harte Union High School
6 months ago, School Office
Quarter one progress reports promo image
CLASS OF 2025: "Hello Parents and Guardians of the Class of 2025! I'm sending an email to let you know I have officially invited you to the google classroom where you will find everything you need to know including dates, testing information, forms, documents,etc. regarding the Class of 2025's Senior Year. If you have trouble accessing, please let me know and I will forward to the tech dept. Many of you are already listed, but for those who aren't, the invitation may have gone to your spam folder. There is a link in the mail that should get you invited into the classroom. In other news, this past month I have conferenced with quite a few of you to discuss post graduation planning- if you are interested in a Senior Conference and haven't yet signed up, you can sign up using this link. >>> Senior Conferences take up to 30 minutes, and will include: Transcript overview, Graduation Status - College eligibility - GPA - Class Rank, Career aspirations, Timeline of College Applications, College Application process - deadlines, FAFSA information and Financial Aid/Scholarships, Trade/Tech School Info, Other: depending on the student! Looking forward to a wonderful school year!" - Sherryl Godfrey, academic/college/career counselor
6 months ago, Counseling
"Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students, I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your support and partnership this week as we began another exciting school year. Thanks to you, we've had a smooth and successful start, and we're looking forward to all the wonderful experiences ahead. As a reminder, our school website is a great resource for staying informed about important dates, events, and other relevant information. We encourage you to visit it regularly to stay up-to-date. Additionally, please note that any requests for course changes need to be submitted by Friday, August 23rd. If you feel a change needs to be made, please reach out to Ms. Godfrey at We want to ensure that all students are settled into their classes as soon as possible, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you need to make any adjustments. Thank you again for your continued support. Here's to a fantastic year ahead!" -Jacob Holt, Principal
7 months ago, School Office
"The 2024-2025 school year is quickly approaching! Please see information below regarding our first week of school and the events taking place. Freshman & New Student Orientation: All new students are encouraged to attend the Orientation scheduled for Tuesday, August 13 from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Special busing is provided. Learn more at Students attending the Freshman and New Student Orientation will receive their District-issued Chromebook and corresponding charger. It is highly recommended that each student brings either a bag or backpack to safely transport the device throughout the day. Replacement cost detail can be found at In addition, students will receive instructions for user access, such as school email and Campus Student Portal access, when receiving their device. New students that do not attend the Orientation will need to obtain their device directly from Ms. Cooper in the Learning Center on the first day of school. First Day Frenzy - Wednesday, August 14: Classes begin at 8:00 AM with our traditional opening day - namely, First Day Frenzy - a schedule that will include a guest speaker, opportunities for students to meet their teachers, complete student purchases and take pictures. The day will conclude at 3:00 PM. The schedule for Thursday, August 15 and Friday, August 16 will be ALL PERIODS 1 - 7. The bus schedule and school calendar can be found in Back to School Online Forms and online at Questions regarding any of the information provided above can be directed toward the Bret Harte Front Office at (209) 736-2507 or We look forward to having another great school year!" -Bret Harte Front Office
7 months ago, School Office
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BACK TO SCHOOL ONLINE FORMS: "Bret Harte Families, Back to school forms have been moved ONLINE! Required annual forms historically mailed in June, are now available on the Campus Parent Portal . Online review of forms by parents/guardians will take less than 30 minutes and your progress will be tracked. Below is a list of documents to be viewed, completed and/or signed: • Back to School Newsletter • Freshman & New Student Orientation Information • Picture Day Information • School Calendar • Bell Schedule • Attendance Procedures • Dress Code • Housing Questionnaire • Student Purchases Order Form • Student Vehicle Application • Household Income Survey Information • Yearbook Information • Title I Parent Engagement Policy • Robo-Doc Telehealth Program Authorization • Bus Application and Schedule • And, more! Parents/Guardians, log into your Campus Parent Portal account on a desktop browser or on the mobile app. Navigate to MENU > DOCUMENTS for each student enrolled in the District. Review each online form. Forms listed as Needs Attention require completion and a signature. To review but opt out of submitting your signature, simply select Decline and Submit. The deadline to complete online forms is the second Friday of the school your or Friday, August 23, 2024. Services are available to assist parent/guardians in completing online forms. Contact the school office at 209 736-2507 or for assistance. Contact Technology for Campus Parent Portal assistance at" -Bret Harte Union High School District
7 months ago, School Office
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"Summer School Reopening on Thursday, June 20th // Dear Parents and Students, We hope this message finds you well. We are pleased to announce that summer school will reopen as planned on Thursday, June 20th. We look forward to welcoming our students back and continuing with our educational activities. Please ensure that your child arrives on time and prepared for their classes. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our office. Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to a successful continuation of our summer program." -Jacob Holt, Principal (Sent via IC Messenger.)
9 months ago, Webmaster
SUMMER SESSION 2024: The following message was sent to applicable students and their parent/guardians. For more information, call the school office at 209 736-2507. // "Good afternoon, You are receiving this message because your student did not pass a class required for graduation from Bret Harte High School. Your student has been enrolled for Summer School to make up the required coursework to stay on track to graduating. You can log into Infinite Campus to see what class your student has been enrolled in and what room to report to. Summer School is a credit recovery-based program, designed to support students that did not pass essential courses during the regular school year. Students will be completing their work through a program called Edgenuity. Students will need their chromebooks every day and will be able to work in a self-paced environment. Summer School will be held at Bret Harte Union High School, beginning Monday, June 10 th and will end on Friday, June 28 th, with hours from 8:00a - 12:20p. During the summer school day, a light snack will be provided to students, free of charge. Transportation will be offered for students following the "Late Bus" routes; one bus up toward Avery, and one bus down for Copperopolis. Route information can be found on our website, or by using the following link: If you have any questions, please reach out to Jacob Holt at" -Jacob Holt, Principal (Sent via IC Messenger 6/3/24)
9 months ago, School Office
SEMESTER 2 GRADES: Finals grades for the 2023-24 school year are posted on the Parent and Student Portal under Menu > Documents > 2nd Semester Report Card. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F and an INC on their report card. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence.
9 months ago, Webmaster
"Today, prospective 2024/25 student schedules were released and can be accessed on the student and parent portal of Infinite Campus. Please be aware that while this is the tentative schedule for next year, it may be adjusted over the summer to balance classes and accommodate changes resulting from summer school. I would like to thank our Bret Harte staff for working so diligently over the last two months with students and families to give them the best course schedule as possible. We are aware that some of the student choices for next year's courses for may have changed. To request a schedule change, each student must complete a Schedule Change Request Form (available electronically using the attached file or in paper at the school front office), including the reason for the request and parent/guardian signature. Non-essential requests, such as: to be with friends or to change teachers, will not be granted. All requests must be made the first two weeks of the school year to receive consideration, unless the reason for a change is based on an inappropriate placement and should be submitted to Ms. Sherryl Godfrey. On behalf of the Bret Harte Staff, we hope you have a wonderful and relaxing summer and can use this time to rejuvenate yourself for next year. We look forward to having you in our classrooms again in August!" -Jacob Holt, Principal, Bret Harte Union High School
10 months ago, School Office
T4 PROGRESS GRADES: "Last Friday, April 19, 2024 marked the halfway point of the fourth quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Therefore, progress grades are issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their overall performance thus far in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's "4th Quarter Progress Report." From the Main Menu, select Documents > "4th Qtr Progress Report" for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. \\ If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. \\ If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence." -Bret Harte Union High School
11 months ago, School Office
T3 REPORT CARDS: "Friday, March 8th, marked the end of Quarter 3 for the 2023-24 school year. Therefore, term grades are issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their performance in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's '3rd Quarter Term Report.' From the Main Menu, select Documents > '3rd Qtr Term Report' for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. \\ If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence."
12 months ago, School Office
ACADEMIC COUNSELING: "All students enrolling in CCAP US History or CCAP English 1A in the fall are required to go to the library at 1:30 during pond on March 15th to meet with the Columbia College reps and complete all paperwork." - Ms Godfrey, academic/college/career counselor
12 months ago, Counseling
ACADEMIC COUNSELING UPDATE: "Hello! It's that time again, SPRING! This is the best time to chat about future goals, course selection, summer opportunities, and everything related to future education choices. Please sign up using this google form. There is a limit of one time slot per family. If none of the times fit any spot in your schedule, I will send out another form in May." - Ms Godfrey, academic/college/career counselor >>> Reservation link:
about 1 year ago, Counseling
COURSE REQUESTS for the 2024-25 School Year: Dear Bullfrog Families // Your student participated in Course Request presentations for the 2024-25 school year last week. During today’s advisory period, the “Campus Requests” feature in the Campus Student Portal opened so your student could complete their course requests for next school year. How to select courses in the Student Portal was reviewed during the presentations and advisory teachers were present to assist. The course request window will remain open until Friday, February 16 at 3:00 PM. Thereafter, each student will meet with Ms. Godfrey, academic counselor, or Mr. Holt, principal, to discuss course requests during the last two weeks of February. Please note that course requests MUST be completed online through your student’s Student Portal account. The Course Request timeline, courses offered, applications, forms, and additional information can be found online at Questions or concerns regarding submitting course requests as well as next year’s course options, please contact Ms. Godfrey directly at or 209 736-8333. If your student is having trouble with their Campus Student Portal account, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence. -Bret Harte Union High School
about 1 year ago, Counseling
T3 PROGRESS GRADES: "Good afternoon \\ Last Friday, February 2, 2024 marked the halfway point of the third quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Therefore, progress grades are issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their overall performance thus far in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's "3rd Quarter Progress Report." From the Main Menu, select Documents > "3rd Qtr Progress Report" for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. \\ If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. \\ If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence." - Bret Harte Union High School
about 1 year ago, School Office