FFA UPDATE: "On Wednesday, March 12th, 2025, we will be holding our monthly FFA meeting which will begin at 6:00 pm in the theater. We encourage all members to attend to see what events are happening in our chapter this month. Please note that students cannot miss more than three FFA meetings per year to stay eligible to show at the fair, attend leadership conferences, and compete in FFA events. After the meeting, we are hosting the 3rd annual blacklight dodgeball tournament in the lower gym. This will begin at 7:00 pm, after our FFA meeting. If your student is on a team, make sure they wear their team shirt! This event will have no re-entry for students. Other events/reminders as they approach are listed below: • If your student is attending the California State Convention, please pay the registration fee by Friday March 7th. • Judging teams are in full swing- if your student is on a team make sure to get their competition dates from them! • ALL Livestock Fair Exhibitors grades will be checked at the conclusion of the 3rd quarter. The requirement is a 2.0 or higher to show at a fair with no F in their agriculture class. LARGE ANIMAL FAIR ENTRY FORMS ARE DUE TO THE FAIRGROUNDS BY SATURDAY APRIL 5, 2025 by 5:00pm. SMALL ANIMAL FAIR ENTRY FORMS ARE DUE TO THE FAIRGROUNDS BY FRIDAY APRIL 18, 2025 by 4:00pm. • Fair Entries will be filled out with Advisors this month in their 8th period Pond class. Please make sure that your student has completed their YQCA ethics course training. • If your student is showing an Animal at Fair they need to schedule a required project visit. Many students still have not signed up with their Advisors for a visit. • State Degree recipients will be recognized at our April FFA Meeting. The date is April 16th, 2025. Dinner will be at 6:00 pm and the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm." - FFA Chapter Officer Team

ATHLETICS: Today's Softball vs Amador games have been canceled due to field conditions. Rescheduled date and time to be announced.

Weekly Student Bulletin: March 3 - 7, 2025 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-28-55558

SAVE THE DATE: This year's Senior/Junior Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 26 at Hatcher in Murphys. The theme is "Great Gatsby Night." More details, including tickets sales, will be announced the first week in March. >>> https://5il.co/39536

REMINDER: Digital SAT DAY is coming to Bret Harte on Wednesday, April 23, 2025! This year’s digital exam will begin promptly at 8:00 AM in Ms. Godfrey's classroom, RM 27 utilizing your District-issued Chromebook. If interested, sign up through your Google Classrooms or with the following link, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScobN9S4byetMOxy2QWRyHtHum4t-B6y2DKyAJYAe3l1IPtgw/viewform?usp=header&authuser=0. Cost is $68 per exam and payment must be made to Ms. Sugar at Student Body Services to secure your spot by Wednesday, March 12. Cash, check and card accepted. Questions, see Ms. Godfrey in RM 27.

ATHLETICS: "Congratulations to our Girls Basketball team. They have advanced to the CIFSJS D5 Championship on Friday February 28, 2025. They will be playing Woodland Christian High School at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento with a game time of 10 am. The game can be viewed on the NFHS network for a small fee. Bret Harte will be providing our student body with a "Rooters" bus to the event. The first 40 students to return a permission slip and show proof of purchasing a ticket to the event will be added to the "Rooters" bus field trip list. The bus will leave Bret Harte's horseshoe parking lot at 7:55 am and return roughly at 2:30 pm. Please return your permission slip and proof of ticket purchase to Mr. Barnett no later than 3 pm on Thursday February 27th, 2025. Please note that if we do not get at least 25 students on the trip, then the trip will be cancelled and you would need to redeem funds through ticketmaster and not Bret Harte. Golden 1 Center utilizes ticketmaster, and not GoFan.co, for all ticket sales. Search: Golden 1 Center CIFSJS Championships. Please contact me if you have any questions." Brian Barnett, athletic director

CLASS OF 2025: Columbia College will host their FINAL FAFSA/Dream Act zoom session scheduled for this coming Thursday, February 27 at 5:00 PM. This session will assist students and parents with one-on-one questions and troubleshooting the FAFSA and CADAA applications. Learn more at https://5il.co/363fw. For more resources visit Columbia College Financial Aid at https://gocolumbia.edu/financial_aid/.

Stanislaus State's Early Assessment Program (EAP) will be hosting upcoming Family Engagement Talks that are ideal for parents, guardians, and family members of high school sophomores and juniors who want to help their student succeed in college and beyond. This event will be held in both English and Spanish that will cover topics such as financial aid, time management and communication strategies. Topics include early academic prep, the basics of financial aid, the California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI), and more. Family Engagement Talks are scheduled during the months of February through April. Learn more at https://5il.co/38jbl. Questions, see Ms. Godfrey in RM 27 or send an email to sgodfrey@bhuhsd.net.

Join us for Baseball's home season opener this afternoon Tuesday, February 24 at 3:30 PM vs Union Mine in the Tony Tyrrell Sports Complex. Junior varsity game runs concurrently at the JV baseball field located directly on Murphys Grade Road. GO BULLFROGS!

Weekly Student Bulletin: Feb 24 - 28, 2025 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-27

ATHLETICS: Spring 2025 game schedules are now available on the Bret Harte App (BHHS > Menu > Documents > Athletics > Game Schedules). Questions, contact Athletics at 209 736-8348 or athleticdirector@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us.

Weekly Student Bulletin: Feb 17 - 21, 2025 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-26-54350

REMINDER: In observance of Presidents' Day Holiday, there is no school on Monday, February 17th. Classes will resume as normally scheduled on Tuesday, February 18th. - Bret Harte School Office

PROGRESS REPORTS: Last Friday, February 7th marked the halfway point of the third quarter of the 2024-25 school year. Therefore, progress grades have been issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their overall performance thus far in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's "3rd Quarter Progress Report." From the Main Menu, select Documents > "3rd Qtr Progress Report" for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence. - Bret Harte School Office

RIVAL GAMES: Basketball will host Calaveras beginning today Thursday, February 13 with frosh and junior varsity games. First, boys frosh at 4:30 PM, followed by girls junior varsity at 5:45 PM, and concluding with boys junior varsity at 7:15 PM in Bob Bach Gymnasium. On Friday, February 14, varsity games will be played beginning with girls varsity at 6:00 PM followed by boys varsity at 7:15 PM in Bob Bach Gymnasium. SENIOR NIGHT festivities will occur between the varsity games. Theme is PURPLE & GOLD. Admission is cashless. Passes and credit cards are accepted. GO BULLFROGS!

Weekly Student Bulletin: Feb 10-15, 2025 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-25-52876

REMINDER: In observance of Lincoln's Holiday, there is no school on Monday, February 10th. Classes will resume as normally scheduled on Tuesday, February 11th. - Bret Harte School Office

Principal's Message - February 2025 can be viewed at https://www.brethartebullfrogs.org/o/bhhs/page/principals-message.

Wrestling will host the Mother Lode League wrestling tournament this Friday, February 7 in Bob Bach Gymnasium. Preliminary matches begin at 1:00 PM with finals scheduled to begin at 5:00 PM. Admission before 3:00 PM will need to access the gymnasium from Murphys Grade Road along Dorroh Field only. After 3:00 PM, all campus access will be open. Admission is cashless. Passes and credit cards are accepted. Come out and support this talented group of grapplers! GO BULLFROGS!

Boys Soccer will host Summerville this afternoon Thursday, February 6 beginning with junior varsity at 4:00 PM, followed by SENIOR NIGHT, and concluding with varsity boys at or after 5:30 PM on Dorroh Field. Admission is cashless. Passes and credit cards are accepted. GO BULLFROGS!