"Greetings Bullfrogs and Families, The first semester of the 2023-24 school year is now complete. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's first semester report card. From the Main Menu, select Documents > 1 st Semester Report Card. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in athletics if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's, or an F and an INC on their report card. The term of eligibility will begin one week after the grading period ends, or Thursday, December 28, 2023. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the teacher directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Please note, report cards are not mailed home. If you require a paper copy, please contact Ms. Fitzgerald at dfitzgerald@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian name(s) in correspondence. Winter recess is scheduled for Friday, December 22, 2023 through January 7, 2024. School will resume on Monday, January 8, 2024 with a full, all-period bell schedule. The school office will be closed for winter recess. Happy Holidays and enjoy your winter recess!"

TERM 2 PROGRESS GRADES: "Good afternoon, Last Friday, November 17, 2023 marked the halfway point of the second quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Therefore, progress grades are issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their overall performance thus far in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's "2nd Quarter Progress Report." From the Main Menu, select Documents > "2nd Qtr Progress Report" for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence."

FIRST TERM GRADES: "Oct 13th, 2023 was the end of the first quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's 1st Quarter Term Report. From the Main Menu, select Documents > 1 st Qtr Report Card for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence. -Bret Harte Union High School" Sent via IC Messenger 10/18/23 4:00 PM

TERM 1 PROGRESS GRADES: "This week we’ve reached the halfway point of the 1st quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student’s 1st Quarter Progress Report. From the Main Menu, select Documents > 1st Qtr Progress Report for the current school year. If you have questions regarding your student’s progress grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence.” #bretharte

"Hello Students and Parents/Guardians, We are excited to welcome you as a Bret Harte Bullfrog! Your "Welcome Packets" have been mailed out, so keep an eye out for important back to school information regarding Freshman Orientation being held on August 15. Also, parents and students can access class schedules, assignments, grade information, attendance, and contact teachers through the Infinite Campus Parent and Student portal. You can access the portal by clicking the green Infinite Campus button on the school website or by using the link below:https://bretharteca.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/bret_harte.jsp. To request a schedule change, complete a Schedule Change Request Form (available on the schools website and in the welcome packets), include the reason for the request along with a parent signature. Non-essential requests, such as: to be with friends will not be granted. All requests must be made the first two weeks of the school year to receive consideration, unless the reason for a change is based on an inappropriate placement. Please submit to Ms. Sherryl Godfrey at sgodfrey@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. On behalf of the Bret Harte Staff, we hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing summer. We look forward to having you in our classrooms again in August! - Bret Harte Union High School District" Sent via IC Messenger 7/31/2023 3:00 PM

SEMESTER GRADES: "Good afternoon, 2022 - 2023 School Year is complete! Let the next adventure begin! Happy Last day!
Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's 2nd Semester. Once logged in, select "Documents" from the main navigation bar. Under "Report Card" you will find the link to view your student's "2 nd Semester Report Card." Please note, Report Cards WILL NOT be mailed home.
If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the teacher directly. Teacher contact information can be found at https://www.brethartebullfrogs.org/o/bhhs. If you have any questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the teacher. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card.
Do you need assistance with the Portal? If so, email Mrs. Grycel in Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us for assistance. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence." -Bret Harte Union High School (Sent via IC Messenger 6/2/23 4:00 PM.)
Questions can be directed to Ms Fitzgerald at 209 736-8315 or dfitzgerald@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us.

CLASS OF 2023: "Good afternoon, It is hard to believe, but the end of the school year is right around the corner, and for our graduating seniors, that means the end of their high school career. This is a time of reflection and celebration. One of the most cherished celebrations we have is our graduation ceremony. This year, the Bret Harte Union High School graduation ceremony will be held on Friday, June 2, beginning at 7:30pm on Dorroh Field. In order for students to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, students must first successfully meet all of the graduation requirements. Additionally, we will hold mandatory graduation practices on Wednesday, May 31st, and Thursday, June 1st, from 8:30am – 10:30am. In order for a student to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, students are required to attend both practices. If a student does not attend those practices, the student will not be allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremony on Friday, June 2nd. Although the thought of saying farewell to our seniors comes with mixed emotions, we are thoroughly excited to celebrate their accomplishments with the collimating event of Graduation. We look forward to seeing you there." - Jacob Holt, Principal
Sent via IC Messenger 05/17/23

SCHEDULE UPDATE: The finals week schedule and bell schedule for the last week of the 2022-23 school year, May 29 - June 2, 2023, is now available at https://5il.co/1ttrj. Questions, call the school office at 209 736-2507.

"BRET_HARTE: Good afternoon, 4th Qtr Progress Reports 2023 school year. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's 4th Qtr Progress Report. Select "Documents" from the main navigation bar. Under "Report Card" you will find the link to view your student's "4th Qtr Report Card." 4th Quarter Report Cards WILL NOT be mailed home. BHUHS"
Questions, email Ms Fitzgerald at dfitzgerald@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us.
Sent via IC Messenger 4/25/23

"Good afternoon, Last week marked the end of [Quarter 3 Report Cards for the] 2023 school year. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's 3rd Quarter [Report]. Once logged in, select "Documents" from the main navigation bar. Under "Report Card" you will find the link to view your student's "3rd Qtr Report Card." Please note, 3rd Quarter Report Cards WILL NOT be mailed home.
If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the teacher directly. Teacher contact information can be found at https://bhhs-bhuhsd-ca.schoolloop.com/faculty. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR AN F ON THIS REPORT CARD,THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING AT THE SEMESTER.
If you have any questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the teacher. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card.
Do you need assistance with the Portal? If so, email Mrs. Eltringham in Technology at keltringham@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us for assistance. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence."
Questions, email Ms Fitzgerald at dfitzgerald@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us
Sent via IC Messenger 3/14/23 3:45 PM