REMINDER: "Monday September 25th is Picture Day retakes from 8-noon in the MPR. This is for students who missed their opportunity in the beginning of the school year. Got to to purchase packages. Picture Day ID: EVTPBKT82. Thank you!
Recordatorio! El Lunes 25 de Septiembre es el día de retoma de fotografías de las 8 a mediodia en el MPR. Es para estudiantes que perdieron su oportunidad al comienzo del año escolar. Vaya a para comprar fotografías. Foto ID: EVTPBKT82. Gracias! Bret Harte Union High School”
Sent via IC Messenger 9/21/23 4:00 PM
TERM 1 PROGRESS GRADES: "This week we’ve reached the halfway point of the 1st quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student’s 1st Quarter Progress Report. From the Main Menu, select Documents > 1st Qtr Progress Report for the current school year. If you have questions regarding your student’s progress grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence.” #bretharte
REMINDER: Tomorrow/Wednesday, September 20 is a minimum day. Release time is 1:10PM. Thank you! "Recordatorio, mañana Miércoles 20 de Septiembre es día mínimo. La hora de salida es a las 1:10PM. ¡Gracias! Bret Harte Union High School"
Weekly Student Bulletin: September 18 - 22, 2023 |
"BRET_HARTE: Attention Bullfrogs! Due to a Hearing Screening for Sophmores on Friday Sept 15 there will be a slight change to the schedule. It will begin at 8AM with the following block schedule Pond, 2, 4, and 6. Thank you! Bret Harte Union High School" Sent via IC Messenger 9/11/23 4:00 PM
Weekly Student Bulletin: September 11 - 15, 2023 |
Regular Governing Board Meeting Notice: Monday, September 11, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the District Board Room/RM 53. Closed session begins at 5:00 PM. | Agenda: | Agenda with Backup:
"Hello Parents/Guardians,
As we closed our third week of school, we would like to draw your attention to some opportunities we have for our parents and community members to learn more about the functioning our school and provide input on changes to our programs and student supports. Please take a moment to review the following committees, and if you are interested, please send a message to Lenyn Barajas at
• School Site Council: Meets quarterly and is responsible for reviewing and approving the Bret Harte Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), including the school budget.
• Curriculum Committee: Meets monthly and serves in an advisory capacity to the District's Superintendent and Governing Board in all matters of curriculum development, including revisions, additions and/or deletions to the courses of study, as well as textbooks requested by teachers.
• Climate and Culture Committee: Meets quarterly to discuss school efforts to improve student attendance, behavior, and reviews the student handbook.
• (English Learner Advisory Committee) ELAC: to provide parents of English Learners opportunities to Learn more about the programs offered to their children. Participate in the school's needs assessment of students, parents, and teachers.
Hola Padres/Guardianes,
Al cerrar nuestra tercera semana de clases, nos gustaria llamar su atencion sobre algunas oportunidades que nuestro padres y miembros de la comunidad aprendan mas sobre el funcionamiento de nuestra escuela y briden opiniones sobre los cambios en nuestros programas y apoyos estudiantiles. Tomese un momento para revisar los siguientes comites. Si esta interesado, envie un mensame a Lenyn Barajas a
• Consejo Escolar: Se reune trimestralmente y es responsable de revisar y aprobar el Plan Unico Bret Harte para el Rendimiento Estudiantil incluido el presupuesto escolar.
• Comite de Curriculo: Se reune mesnualmente y actua en calidad de asesor del Superintendente y la Junta Directiva del Distrito en todos los asuntos del desarollo del curriculo, incluidas revisiones, adiciones y/oeliminaciones de los cursos de estudio, asi como libros de texto solicitados por los maestros.
• Comite de Clima y Cultura: Se reune trimestralente para discutir los esfuerzos escolares para mejorar la asistencia y el comportamiento de los estudiantes y resvisar el manual estudiantil.
• ELAC: Para brindar a los padres de estudiantes de ingles oportunidades para aprender mas sobre los programas que se ofrecen a sus hijos. Paraticipar en la evaluacion de las necesidades de la escuela de esudiantes, padres y maestros."
- Bret Harte Union High School (Sent via IC Messenger 9/6/23 4:00 PM)
"Hello Families and Students, We hope this message finds you safe and well. At Bret Harte Union High School District, we take considerable pride in our school and services to our students and community. Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing a severe bus driver shortage that will likely impact student transportation. Due to the shortage of drivers, we may need to cancel routes and bus services, including transportation to and from school, as well as transportation for our athletic teams. While school transportation by the district is not a requirement under California State Law, we will continue to do all we can to transport students to and from school. We understand the inconvenience and burden that this may place upon you and your family. We strongly suggest, speaking with friends and neighbors to develop a backup transportation plan in case routes are canceled. If a route does need to be canceled, we will make every attempt to notify you as early as possible. We will continue to advertise, search for, and hire qualified drivers. If you know of anyone who may be interested in being a school bus driver, have them visit our website, and then go to employment. - Thank you, Bret Harte Union High School District" Sent via IC Messenger 9/5/23 3:00 PM
Weekly Student Bulletin: September 4 - 8, 2023 |
"Hello Bret Harte Community, Thank you for your support to all our athletic teams. [We] would like to remind you that the following schools are using digital tickets and not accepting cash at the door: Summerville High School -*; Argonaut High School -; and Amador High School - You can purchase your tickets and present them with your smartphone upon entry. Thank you and Go Bullfrogs! Brian Barnett - Athletic Director" Sent via IC Messenger 8/31/23 2:20 PM *Corrected 7:00 PM
Weekly Student Bulletin: August 28 - September 1, 2023 |
“Good afternoon Bullfrogs, This year's Back to School Night has been changed to Wednesday August 30, from 5:45 PM -8:05 PM, starting with a Meet and Greet in the Quad. During this time, we will be able to pass out students schedules, maps of the campus and schedules for the night. Additionally, we will have a Title I Presentation in the Learning Center. Back to School Night is a wonderful opportunity to be able to meet your teachers, ask general questions about our programs and connect with our school in general. We hope to see you there! Jacob Holt, Principal - Bret Harte Union High School” Sent via IC Messenger 8/23/23 4:00 PM
Weekly Student Bulletin: August 21 - 25, 2023 |
Back to School Newsletter 2023-24 |
"Hello Students and Parent/Guardians, The school office will be intermittently closed on Monday August 14 due to staff collaborative planning. Thank you! -Bret Harte Union High School
Hola estudiantes y padres/guardians, La oficina de la escuela estara cerrada de manera intermitente el Lunes 14 de agosto debido a la junta colaborative del personal. Gracias! -Bret Harte Union High School"
Sent via IC Messenger 8/11/23 4:00 PM
"Good afternoon Bullfrogs! We would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. Over the past few months we have been steadily preparing our campus and staff for this school year. We will kick off the school year with our New Student Orientation on Tuesday, August 15th. The New Student Orientation, is designed to support all freshmen and any other new students enrolled for the 2023/43 school year. Orientation begins at 10:00 am in the Lower Gym (big building in the middle of campus). Throughout the day, students will have a chance to reconnect with old friends, create new friendships, tour the campus and meet their teachers. Students will also have the opportunity to pay school-related fees (i.e.. PE clothes, bus pass, ASB sticker), checkout a school-issued Chromebook, and have school photos taken. The days ends with lunch and a pool party from 2:00 – 3:00pm at the Bret Harte Aquatic Center. Students who do not wish to participate in lunch and the pool can be picked up early. A parent/guardian must check out the students at the attendance window located at the Front Office. For more information, please reach out to Tyra Dragomanovich at, Our school year will officially begin on Wednesday, August 16th with a start time of 8:00am and end time of 3:00pm. We know that the start of any school year can be accompanied with anticipation and excitement alike. Please know that all the Bret Harte staff is prepared to receive and support your students to make this year memorable and full of wonderful events. This year we will be placing an extra emphasis on strengthening our Bret Harte community, which includes students, parents, community members and staff members alike. Only as a united community, together we can provide the greatest educational opportunities for all our students. On behalf of the Bret Harte Union High School District staff, welcome back and, together, let’s make this our best year yet. Jacob Holt Principal Bret Harte Union High School Vallecito High School" Sent via IC Messenger 8/9/23 4:00 PM
"Hello Students and Parent/Guardians, Picture day will take place on Tuesday August 15th on Freshman/New Student Orientation Day. Please see the attached flyer ( for ways to purchase & package information. Thank you! - Bret Harte Union High School District"
"Hello Students and Parent/Guardians, Picture day will take place on the first day of school, Wednesday August 16th. Please see the attached flyer ( for ways to purchase and package information. Thank you! - Bret Harte Union High School District"
Sent via IC Messenger 8/7/23 4:00 PM
Regular Governing Board Meeting Notice: Wednesday, August 09, 2023 in the District Board Room/RM 53 at 5:30 PM. Closed session begins at 4:30 PM. | Agenda: | Revised Agenda:
"Hello Students and Parents/Guardians, We are excited to welcome you as a Bret Harte Bullfrog! Your "Welcome Packets" have been mailed out, so keep an eye out for important back to school information regarding Freshman Orientation being held on August 15. Also, parents and students can access class schedules, assignments, grade information, attendance, and contact teachers through the Infinite Campus Parent and Student portal. You can access the portal by clicking the green Infinite Campus button on the school website or by using the link below: To request a schedule change, complete a Schedule Change Request Form (available on the schools website and in the welcome packets), include the reason for the request along with a parent signature. Non-essential requests, such as: to be with friends will not be granted. All requests must be made the first two weeks of the school year to receive consideration, unless the reason for a change is based on an inappropriate placement. Please submit to Ms. Sherryl Godfrey at On behalf of the Bret Harte Staff, we hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing summer. We look forward to having you in our classrooms again in August! - Bret Harte Union High School District" Sent via IC Messenger 7/31/2023 3:00 PM