T4 PROGRESS GRADES: "Last Friday, April 19, 2024 marked the halfway point of the fourth quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Therefore, progress grades are issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their overall performance thus far in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's "4th Quarter Progress Report." From the Main Menu, select Documents > "4th Qtr Progress Report" for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. \\ If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. \\ If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence." -Bret Harte Union High School
REMINDER: "Due to staff collaborative planning, Wednesday April 24th is a Minimum Day. Release time is 1:10PM - Bret Harte Union High School \\ Debido a nuestra junta colaborativa, el Miercoles 24 de Abril es dia minimo. La hora de salida es a la 1:10PM. -Bret Harte Union High School"
COUNSELING + WELLNESS: "Hi Bret Harte families, For the sake of simplicity, I decided to combine the final two surveys into one: Survey #3: Student & Family Engagement (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2X2jlK_okC7swNyV5Koj-COYv8HwykPQGYNcBcp-0uQvVlQ/viewform). The survey is brief, anonymous and should only take a few minutes to complete. The results will help us to serve students in the best way possible. We really want to hear from you! To be entered into the drawing for either a gift card or a family pass to the 2024-2025 athletic season, email me after completing the survey (cgavan@bhuhsd.net). This will be the last chance for an entry into the prize drawing. (Remember to email me for prize entry because the survey is anonymous.) Thank you! Warmly, Colleen Gavan, cgavan@bhuhsd.net, 209-736-8354, Student & Family Engagement Liaison”
Weekly Student Bulletin: Apr 22-26, 2024 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-34
SAFETY ALERT: "Dear Families and Staff, At Bret Harte Union High School District student safety is our highest priority and we wanted to update everyone regarding a generic email that was received by multiple school districts and county offices across the state, including Bret Harte. The politically motivated email refers to a bomb threat if certain prisoners are not released. While this does not appear to be a credible threat as it was generic email received by many districts across the state, the four school districts of Calaveras County, are taking proactive, cautionary steps in response. District Superintendents have been in direct contact with the Calaveras Sheriff’s Department early this morning and they have additionally contacted the FBI regarding the bomb threat. The District has already completed a sweep of the campus and are also working with Angels Camp Police Department. Districts are notifying all staff to have a heightened alert for today and report anything that is suspicious or unusual to administration so it can be reported and followed up on by the Sheriff’s department.
We anticipate a normal operating school day, and by taking these extra precautionary steps, reinforce our priority to student and staff safety." - Bret Harte Union High School District
Weekly Student Bulletin: Apr 15 - 19, 2024 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-33
MEETING NOTICE: A Regular Governing Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 15, 2024 at 5:30 PM in the District Board Room/RM 53. Closed session begins at 5:00 PM. The agenda will be available after 4:00 PM today/Friday, April 12 at https://simbli.eboardsolutions.com/SB_Meetings/SB_MeetingListing.aspx?S=36030549. To view archived agendas and minutes, please refer to our website.
ATHLETICS: Bret Harte Swimming will host the annual Mother Lode League Championship Meet, scheduled for Friday, April 19 at the Aquatic Center. Meet begins at at 4:00 PM. Find details at https://5il.co/2i8c9.
Weekly Student Bulletin: Apr 8 - 12, 2024 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-32
ATHLETIC SCHEDULE UPDATE (Friday, April 5, 2024): Swimming vs Sonora, scheduled for tomorrow/Friday, April 5, has been canceled and rescheduled for next Thursday, April 11 at 4:00 PM at the Aquatic Center. Refer to the Athletics Calendar for up-to-date contest updates at https://www.brethartebullfrogs.org/o/bhhs/events.
REMINDER: Spring Recess is almost here! Tomorrow, Friday, March 29th is a minimum day with students being released at 1:10 PM to kick off break. Spring Recess will run through Friday, April 5th. Classes will resume on Monday, April 8th. Have a safe and healthy break! -Bret Harte School Office
YEARBOOKS! Reserve your 2023-24 yearbook by going to yearbookordercenter.com and enter code 6063. The last day to guarantee that you receive a yearbook is to order it by April 1. Yearbooks will sell out ! Or, see Mr. Burita in RM 24 to purchase for $85, with cash or check, today/Thursday, March 28 or Friday, March 29. Questions, see Mr. Burita.
STUDENT ID CARDS REQUIRED: Students are required to have their student identification card to ride the bus or get food from the kitchen. If your student needs a replacement card, have them visit Student Body Services in the school office. Replacement fees are waived this week!
Weekly Student Bulletin: Mar 25 - Mar 29, 2024 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-31
T3 REPORT CARDS: "Friday, March 8th, marked the end of Quarter 3 for the 2023-24 school year. Therefore, term grades are issued to give students and their parent/guardians an overview of their performance in the grading period. Please refer to the Parent and/or Student Portal to view your student's '3rd Quarter Term Report.' From the Main Menu, select Documents > '3rd Qtr Term Report' for the current school year. IF YOUR STUDENT IS RECEIVING A D OR F ON THIS REPORT, THEY MAY BE AT RISK OF FAILING. Your student is considered academically ineligible and may not participate in sports if he/she has a GPA of less than 2.0, has 2 F's, 2 INC's or an F & an INC on their report card. \\ If you have questions regarding your student's grade, please contact the instructor directly. Teacher contact information can be found on our website under Staff Directory. Effective January 2023, all student progress and report cards must be accessed on the Portal and will no longer be mailed home. If you need assistance with Portal access, please contact Technology at igrycel@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us. Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence."
ATHLETIC SCHEDULE UPDATE (Friday, March 15, 2024): Baseball vs Summerville game times have been moved up to 3:30 PM. Game locations remain the same. Refer to the online Athletics calendar for up-to-date athletic contest information. >>> https://www.brethartebullfrogs.org/o/bhhs/events.
REMINDER: "This is just a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, March 13th is a scheduled Minimum Day with a release time of 1:10 PM." -Bret Harte Office
ATHLETIC CONTEST UPDATE (Tuesday, March 12, 2024): Tennis vs Summerville has been cancelled. Rescheduled match is to be determined. Refer to the online Athletics calendar for up-to-date athletic contest information. >>> https://www.brethartebullfrogs.org/o/bhhs/events
ACADEMIC COUNSELING: "All students enrolling in CCAP US History or CCAP English 1A in the fall are required to go to the library at 1:30 during pond on March 15th to meet with the Columbia College reps and complete all paperwork." - Ms Godfrey, academic/college/career counselor
Weekly Student Bulletin : Mar 11- Mar 16, 2024 https://brethartebullfrogs.edurooms.com/engage/bret-harte-union-high-school/newsletters/student-bulletin-week-29