REMINDER: "Monday, March 11th is a scheduled In-Service Staff day. As a reminder, there will be no school. Classes will resume Tuesday with an odd period schedule." - Bret Harte Union High School
CAREER/COLLEGE COUNSELING UPDATE: “The eighth annual Los Altos Hacks, a completely free hackathon, will be on April 6-7, 2024. It is a 100% free hackathon with thousands of dollars in prizes, fun activities, swag, stickers, shirts, and so much more! All meals and snacks will be provided, and entrance is free! It is a great opportunity for students to network with other students with similar interests, as well as speakers and guests from highly renowned companies. To register or learn more, visit or follow them on Instagram and Twitter @losaltoshacks for updates. Los Altos Hacks VIII will take place at the Juniper Aspiration Dome in Sunnyvale, CA on April 6-7.” – Ms Godfrey, academic/college/career counselor
ACADEMIC COUNSELING UPDATE: "Hello! It's that time again, SPRING! This is the best time to chat about future goals, course selection, summer opportunities, and everything related to future education choices. Please sign up using this google form. There is a limit of one time slot per family. If none of the times fit any spot in your schedule, I will send out another form in May." - Ms Godfrey, academic/college/career counselor >>> Reservation link:
COUNSELING + WELLNESS: “Hi again Bret Harte families, It's time for Survey #2: Student Wellbeing. It's brief and should only take a few minutes to complete. To be entered in the drawing for either a gift card or a family pass to the 2024-2025 athletic season, email me after completing the survey ( There will be 4 surveys total and you'll receive an entry for each survey you complete. \\ Survey Link: \\ The results will help us to make critical decisions on how to improve and serve your students in the best way possible. All of the information is anonymous and your participation is voluntary, but we really want to hear from you. \\ To answer a couple of questions that arose with the last survey: Yes, we are asking students similar questions. The family surveys are for you to offer your perspective based on what you know. We realize that you're not on campus to assess the climate, but we know you hear things from your students and have your own ideas. That said, Survey #2 is directly about your own student. (Remember to email me for prize entry because the survey is anonymous.) Thank you! Warmly, Colleen Gavan,, 209-736-8354, Student & Family Engagement Liaison”
CLASS OF 2024: Senior Disneyland Trip :: The last Disneyland payment of $185 is due on March 5 in the Learning Center at lunch. Failure to make this payment will result in your removal from the trip. If you have any questions about payment, see Ms. Stelling.*Not a Bret Harte Sponsored Event*
TRANSPORTATION UPDATE :: Attention Students on Route #1:* Arnold/Camp Connell // "The bus route above Lilac Park is canceled for tomorrow [Monday, March 04 in the AM]. Again no bus service above Lilac Park. Students should attempt to make the Oak Circle stop at 7:15am. Students who can not make it to school will be excused for the day upon parent call to the office." - Bret Harte Union High School District (Corrected 3/4/24 8:30AM)
Weekly Student Bulletin: Mar 04 - Mar 08, 2024
MEETING NOTICE: A Regular Governing Board Meeting/Study Session is scheduled for Monday, March 04, 2024 at 5:30 PM in the District Board Room/RM 53. Study session begins at 4:00 PM. Closed session begins at 5:00 PM. The agenda will be available after 4:00 PM this Friday, March 01 at To view archived agendas and minutes, please refer to our website.
ATHLETIC CONTEST UPDATE (Thursday, February 29): Baseball vs Union Mine has been cancelled. Rescheduled game to be determined. Refer to the online Athletics calendar for up-to-date athletic contest information. >>>
Weekly Student Bulletin: Feb 26 - Mar 01, 2024
CLASS OF 2024: Senior Disneyland Trip :: The last Disneyland payment of $185 is due on March 5 in the Learning Center at lunch. Failure to make this payment will result in your removal from the trip. If you have any questions about payment, see Ms. Stelling.
COUNSELING + WELLNESS: "Hi Bullfrog Families - We are working to create a school culture that makes everyone feel known, accepted, and understood. While this can be a challenge, we are confident that our upcoming Breaking Down the Walls workshop will allow students to have fun together, connect, share stories, and realize we have more in common than we may think.This is an optional workshop held in the Lower Gym AND the more students that participate the more successful it will be! We are so excited to be able to offer Breaking Down the Walls on our campus. Logistics: Students with last names beginning with A-M are invited to participate for the day on Wednesday, February 21st and last names beginning with N-Z are invited to attend on Thursday, February 22nd. They will report to their normal first class of the day and then have the option to join. Students will be excused from their classes for the day and have time to make up any missed work. We realize that some students will be involved in FFA activities that day, but if not- please encourage them to join. If you have any questions about this program contact Sara Labuga, Student Support Counselor (, or Colleen Gavan, Student/Family Engagement Liaison ( Thank you for your support in our efforts to foster a positive learning community for all. Warm Regards, Colleen Gavan, 209-736-8354, "
CLASS OF 2024: The last day to place your graduation cap and gown order is Friday, March 1. Visit or see Ms. Fitzgerald for ordering information.
Weekly Student Bulletin: February 19 - 23, 2024 |
REMINDER: There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 19 observance of Presidents' Day Holiday. Classes will resume Tuesday, February 20 with an odd schedule. Thank you! -Bret Harte Union High School District
CLASS OF 2024: "Hello Seniors, this is a reminder that all scholarship applications are due by Friday Feb. 16th at 3pm. There will be no exceptions, so don't wait until the last minute to get everything uploaded. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes to transfer all your google docs to PDF's, Download to your hard drive, then upload to to the google
form, and sometimes there are issues." - Ms. Godfrey
“Hi Bret Harte families - We want to hear from as many of you as possible to help us improve our school! Here is the link to our first brief survey. We would love to have at least a 20% response rate (so far we have 10%--thank you!). To be entered in the drawing for either a gift card or a family pass to the 2024-2025 athletic season, email me after completing the survey ( Survey link >>> (Last day to reply is Monday Feb. 19th) \\ The results of our survey will be used to evaluate how we are doing as a school and help us to make critical decisions on how to improve and serve your students in the best way possible. All of the information is anonymous and your participation is voluntary, but we can't emphasize enough how important it is that we hear from you. There will be four brief surveys over the coming months on the following topics: school climate, family engagement, student well being, and student learning/engagement. Thank you! - Warmly, Colleen Gavan,, 209-736-8354, Student & Family Engagement Liaison”
Weekly Student Bulletin: February 12 - 16, 2024 |
REMINDER: There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln Holiday. Classes will resume Tuesday, February 13 with an odd schedule. Thank you! -Bret Harte Union High School District \\ Recordatorio, NO HAY CLASES el Lunes 12 de Febrero en conmemoracion de Lincoln. Las clases se reanudaran el Martes 13 de Febrero de 2024 con un horario impar. Gracias! -Bret Harte Union High School District
COURSE REQUESTS for the 2024-25 School Year: Dear Bullfrog Families // Your student participated in Course Request presentations for the 2024-25 school year last week. During today’s advisory period, the “Campus Requests” feature in the Campus Student Portal opened so your student could complete their course requests for next school year. How to select courses in the Student Portal was reviewed during the presentations and advisory teachers were present to assist. The course request window will remain open until Friday, February 16 at 3:00 PM. Thereafter, each student will meet with Ms. Godfrey, academic counselor, or Mr. Holt, principal, to discuss course requests during the last two weeks of February. Please note that course requests MUST be completed online through your student’s Student Portal account. The Course Request timeline, courses offered, applications, forms, and additional information can be found online at Questions or concerns regarding submitting course requests as well as next year’s course options, please contact Ms. Godfrey directly at or 209 736-8333. If your student is having trouble with their Campus Student Portal account, please contact Technology at Include the student(s) and parent/guardian names in correspondence. -Bret Harte Union High School